Loving Life

Monday, September 25, 2006

My Roomie @ Creative Escape

When I registered for Creative Escape I wasn't sure what Brian's shedule was going to be when he got back from Georgia, so I never booked a room. Well after B graduated & had a schedule in place, I called to book my room only to find out the hotel @ Squaw Peak was sold out. Thank goodness for CE Yahoo Groups. I asked if anyone had an extra room or needed a roomie & within one day I had several options. I am so happy I met Carla. She's from Maryland & she is an awesome lady. Very generous, caring & considerate. We had such a good time hanging out and getting to know each other, we laughed our butts off lots too! I had talked to her before CE & told her about the Hummer Tour, so she signed up for it & we had a good time exploring the desert. Even though we weren't in the same group, we met up for all meals & night events. Here are some pics....

Our Room View
Hummer Tour DinnerGood Bye.

I already booked my room for next year.........Ready Carla? CE 2007 is going to be a blast!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

CE Yahoo Groups Cocktail Party, Secret Sisters & CJ

Shelley did a SPECTACULAR job with Creative Escape Yahoo Groups. Here are some pics of the Cocktail Party. I made 2 gallons of homemade salsa for this party & I think most of the "Groupies" enjoyed it. This gave us a chance to get relaxed before the official Creative Escape Event began. There were goodie bags given to everyone & some lucky people won door prizes. Hats & shirts were passed out to those that ordered them. I was on the waiting list for a hat (such a procrastinator I am), but was fortunate enough to get one later that night. Thank you sooooo much Catherine for the hat!!

Thursday Night we all got together & exchanged our Circle Journals. Here are Kathy, Me, Cricket, Mary & Shelley. I absolutely love my CJ....these ladies have talent. Thank you so much for all the effort that went into my CJ!!!

Yahoo Groups had Secret Sisters!!!!!! We were suppose to spend a minimum of $10 on each other on 6 different dates. My Secret Sister (she bought for me) was Lyn Cheever. She spoiled me rotten =)

In June, I received a Heidi Swapp Iron, in July I received two gifts (one was for my birthday) Heidi Swapp "Love Your Handwriting" book & 3 bottles of Prima Flowers, & in August I received a Japanese Hole Punch. On Thursday I received a huge (I'm talking HUGE) box full of goodies/snacks, Friday I received a Cricut Font (Jasmine) & when I met this amazing Lady I received a Cropper Hopper organizer full of papers, ribbons, embellishments (enough for an entire album). She also sent me numerous e-cards that came at perfect moments that brightened my day.

Lyn lives in Tucson & we are going to stay in touch. Thank you Lyn for all the wonderful gifts & a new friendship!!!
I was so happy to meet Lyn!

I bought for Dena Rife, she is from Brentwood, Tennessee!!! I had a lot of fun buying stuff for Dena. I spotted her the first day & made a point to say hi to her everyday. I took her gifts to the front desk every day. I was excited to meet her on Saturday....another start to a great friendship!!!

I have to say that everybody I met at Creative Escape was nice, friendly & fun. I was so happy that I joined Yahoo Groups! I look forward to next year's events.

My Sunshine

Saturday after Creative Escape was over, B came to pick me up at Squaw Peak & we headed straight for my brother's house in Mesa. My sister had spent the night & B had to be in Florence at noon on Sunday for work......needless to say, I stayed in Mesa because I knew my brother finally got to keep Miss Kailey Nicole overnight. My sister & I took Kailey shopping with us, it was so much fun. I love her so much....she is the spitting image of my brother when he was her age.

Here she is making "pretty eyes" for Tia.

Kailey at Red Lobster....she loves fish and kept pointing to this one saying "...ishhhh","....ishhhh". I love her smile. She has teeth for days!!!

and finally passed out on her DADDY after a day out with both her Tia's. She brightens my day and fills my heart with joy, she's my Little Sunshine =)

Hummer Tour

As you can see, I am blogging backwards, afterall, it's been a while. I am only going to fill you in on fun stuff. I went to Creative Escape a few weeks ago (that will be another post) & really had a great time. On Thursday morning, I signed up for a Desert Hummer Tour. Although I'm an Arizona Native, I've never been on a tour, so thought is sounded like fun.......AND IT WAS!!!!

Here I am looking like a pregnant midget before the tour. That Hummer was huge!! I rode in the back with my roomie.
Here is a Diamondback Rattle Snake that was a few feet away from one of the places we stopped. Pretty scary, huh?
This is me posing on a ledge of the mountain. One false move & I would have been a GONER!! My heart was pumping so fast, but I over came my fear and took this pic. Here I am hiking back up from the ledge.

...and this is me w/our tour guide. Why do tall people always think they can use me as an arm rest? hee hee.

I would recommend this tour to everyone...it was amazing to see how beautiful the Desert is. We even got to take turns driving the Hummer. I learned some interesting things about the Desert. I am very proud to call Arizona HOME!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Two Peas Crop

Maria & I went to a Two Peas Crop at the Hyatt hosted by Shanna. Shanna is such a cool chick....she had a spread of goodies & drinks, a swap table where you brought your old stuff & traded, and some amazing prizes. It started at 6pm and was over at midnight.
Here is me & Maria....we showed up late, but things were just getting started. We met some really cool peeps. I'm going all the way to Cave Creek in October to take a class with Janet, a new friend I met at this crop. We laughed our behinds off all night.

Of course the center pieces were.....two peas in a bucket....cute, huh?

Here is a pic of me & Shanna...oh yeah, I won a Photo Shoot. I was so excited that I did a "happy dance".

We stayed till almost midnight. I love Shanna's crops....they are so fun. I even finished a 8, 6x6 pages for an album I'm doing for Ms. Kailey Nicole!


Here I am at CKC with Becky Higgins, she took a Scrapworks class w/us. It was fun to have her as a fellow student......and here I am with Heidi, I took her class as well.
Here is Odie, Me, Becky & Monica. This was taken at Becky's Backstage Party. I really like Becky, she is amazing. Our other two "janitor" friends didn't make the pic....hee hee. These pics were taken on Friday.

Saturday, during CKC the fire alarm went off. I was doing a make-n-take and grabbed my stuff. Maria, Romie & I headed towards the front doors. On my way out, I checked my tote out from the "babysitters" & when we made it out the front door Maria asked me, "Do you wanna stay here in the shade?" I responded "Hell no, I'm not catching on fire" & proceeded across the street pulling tote with me as it bumped it's way down the stairs. Here is a pic of all the people that were evacuated from the building. Here is another pic of us pretending to be scared. As you can see, Maria has a big cheesy grin on her face. She laughed so hard at me for REALLY being scared.

Finally....a pic of all the loot I brought home. Not pictured is 8 boxes of Bazzill paper! I finally got a Cricut, thanks to my BF Brian. He is so good to me.


I took Friday off & started the morning waiting for the Bazzill warehouse to open. Me, Odie & "La Mary", were first in line. Odie made us all these really cute shirts that said "Scrap Chick" & we all wore black flip flops. We saw someone in her car in the parking lot. As a few more people started arriving, the lady in the car walked over to us and said, "I wasn't sure I was at the right place, I thought you guys were janitors." Needless to say, I kept my mouth shut even though I was pissed. Any-who, here are some pics of the warehouse! Here is a pic of Me & Doug (Mr. Bazzill). He carried my two boxes to the car.

This is our feet w/almost matching shoes. My foot is the one with the white flower on it =)

I overspent, but it was soooo worth it. I've already used 10 pieces of paper for some recipe swaps I did. I never know how to buy a little or cook a little.

Monday, September 18, 2006


I just got back from CKC! I overspent & have way to much product.

I am going to give away brand new stuff I bought this weekend & brand new stuff I need to purge. These items will include Bazzill Cardstock, Pattered Paper, Ribbon, Embellishments, Stickers, Rub Ons, Etc....!! All interested post a comment & I will randomly select two names on Friday, 9/22/06.

Can't wait to blog about my life the past three months, two months were pure depressing, but this month has been 'da bomb!!! I'm at work right now so I can't elaborate. I will add a few posts tonight along with pics. You will be so bored, but will make for some good reading, I have about 20 post to add. =)

Good Luck!!!